- HIV disclosure no longer required on application form for temporary resident visa
- Safer tattooing piloted in six federal prisons
- Ottawa: City Council approves distribution of crack kits
- Bill to export generic drugs comes into force
- Recommendations published concerning non-disclosure of HIV status
- Criminal charges laid in three new situations
In brief
- Buprenorphine now approved for the treatment of opiate addiction
- Saskatchewan: Mandatory “bodily substances” testing legislation passed
- First evaluation of Vancouver safe injection facility
- Officials in two Canadian cities express support for safe injection sites
- New Brunswick: Sex education curriculum adds abstinence statement
- New medical marijuana regulations approved
- Minister announces new drug approval initiatives
- Many HIV-positive people do not get enough to eat
- ABC in Uganda: success or subterfuge?
- UN leadership and harm reduction: a rough road
- United States: Funding restrictions threaten sex workers’ rights
- Russian Federation: Going backwards on drug policy
- India: New patent law may restrict access to HIV/AIDS treatments
- Taiwan: AIDS NGOs fight to keep human rights law
- Tenofovir trials raise ethical issues
- U.S.: Developments in the treatment of HIV-positive prisoners in two states
In brief
- Holland: Companies to offer life insurance to people living with HIV/AIDS
- UK: Guidelines for liver transplants for HIV-positive people issued
- UK: House Committee urges universal free HIV treatment
- Nepal: Sexual minorities group facing possible ban
- China: Alleged quarantine of HIV positive people in several provinces
- Kenya: Free antiretrovirals distributed in prison
- South Africa: Prison oversight body recommends permitting consensual sex between inmates
- Australia: New free trade agreement with U.S. targets drug prices
- Scotland: Executive proposes mandatory HIV testing for criminal suspects
- Scottish Prison Service to halt mandatory drug testing
- Federal Court overturns negative Pre-Removal Risk Assessment of HIV-positive failed refugee claimant
- Argentinean couple living with HIV denied Convention refugee status
- Landlord found to have discriminated based on HIV status
- Supreme Court finds settlement money attributable to past disability benefits taxable
- Criminal law and HIV transmission/exposure: one new case
- Court affirms that severance exclusion for workers with diabilities violates Charter
In brief
- Tribunal finds Québec ministry’s refusal to cover HIV medication “not a serious question”
- Red Cross pleads guilty to distributing tainted blood
- Australia: HIV-positive visa applicants successfully appeal refusals based on medical inadmissibility
- UK: House of Lords upholds deportation order
- Sweden’s compulsory confinement order declared a violation of liberty guarantee
- UK: Legal action on needle exchange programs in prisons dismissed
- Europe: Court declares admissible complaint about lack of medical assistance in Russian detention facility
- South Africa: Book publisher ordered to pay damages for disclosing women’s HIV status
- Criminal law and HIV transmission or exposure: four new cases
In brief
- Australia: Refusal to provide tattooing services found not discriminatory
- Japan: High Court upholds health official’s conviction on one charge, dismisses another
- New Zealand: Woman denied compensation for exposure to HIV
- China: Public health officials convicted of malpractice