HIV/AIDS and Discrimination: A Discussion Paper

The Discussion Paper reviews:

  • definitions of discrimination that are current in Canada and internationally;
  • the nature of stigma, discrimination, and vulnerability in the context of the HIV epidemic;
  • stigma and discrimination that people with HIV/AIDS currently experience in their families and communities, at work, in housing, in health care settings, in obtaining insurance coverage or benefits (particularly private medical and disability insurance), and in policies restricting travel or immigration;
  • specific patterns of stigma and discrimination that populations affected by HIV/AIDS experience, and the impact of stigma and discrimination on their health and well-being in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic; and
  • various ways to respond to stigma and discrimination, including education (public education, professional education, and focused education), redress (human rights law, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and other forms of legal or procedural redress), and advocacy.