- Supervised injection sites in Quebec: one step closer to reality
- Correctional Investigator highlights pending adverse impacts of the government’s “tough on crime” agenda
In brief
- Ottawa police changes policy on releasing photographs of suspects in HIV non-disclosure cases
- Prison expansions to accommodate anticipated inmate population surge
- Three Canadian cities endorse the Vienna Declaration
- British Columbia moves to a “routine offer” model of HIV testing
- Public Health Agency of Canada releases HIV status report on Aboriginal peoples
- Canadian Medical Association releases new policy on privacy
- Phylogenetic analysis alone cannot prove source of HIV infection: experts
- Proposed – India free trade agreement could impede manufacture of generic HIV drugs
- Ukraine: HIV policy advances overshadowed by police crackdown on drug therapy clinics
- Africa: sexual minorities at risk
In brief
- Denmark: HIV-specific criminal law suspended
- Australia: supervised injecting centre becomes permanent
- Cambodia: first methadone clinic opens
- Portugal: study demonstrates positive impact of drug decriminalization
- South Africa prepares to bring HIV testing into classrooms
- Global commission on HIV and the law
- Pope’s comments signal possible shift in condom messaging
- Ontario: prostitution-related provisions of Criminal Code struck down
- British Columbia: sex workers granted standing to challenge Criminal Code
- Swazi man’s refugee claim rejected: PHAs not a “particular social group”
- Federal Court allows application for judicial review of HIV-positive woman from Jamaica
- Quebec: employer who disclosed employee’s HIV-positive status violated rights to dignity and freedom from discrimination
- Court of Appeal reaffirms long-term income support for alcohol and drug dependence
- Federal Court: incarcerated man did not have right to choice of doctor
- Blood donor ban upheld
- Saskatchewan Court of Appeal: marriage commissioners cannot discriminate
- Criminal law and cases of HIV transmission or exposure
- China: court rules school board did not discriminate against prospective HIV-positive employee
- South Africa: HIV-positive man wins wrongful dismissal suit
- City of Moscow decision to forbid gay pride marches violates European Convention on Human Rights
- Romania: European Court of Human Rights rules degrading treatment for man who contracted TB in prison
- Criminal law and cases of HIV transmission or exposure
In brief
- Russia: Supreme Court rules HIV-positive pilots can operate planes
- Ireland: former surgeon successfully sues state for exposure to HIV
- USA: Justice Dept. directs Puerto Rico vocational school to admit HIV-positive applicant
- India: court rules transport company discriminated against HIV-positive applicants
- Russia: court frees men who had forcibly confined and treated drug users
- Ireland: High Court rules HIV drugs can be administered to baby despite mother’s protests