- Male circumcision and HIV prevention: a human rights and public health challenge
- Commentary: Engendering bold leadership against HIV/AIDS
- Subcommittee fails to recommend legal reforms needed to promote human rights of sex workers
- Conservative government ends funding for research on Insite
- Draft evaluation suggests pilot safer tattooing program had potential to reduce disease transmission
- Public health agency says prison needle exchanges reduce risk, do not threaten safety or security
- Ontario passes new mandatory blood testing law: a preliminary review
- Bill eliminating conditional sentences amended to exclude drug offences
- Vancouver: Mayor proposes new treatment plan for stimulant-drug users
- Funding announcements from federal government, Gates Foundation
In brief
- Progress report on national pharmaceuticals strategy released
- Auditor-General critical of Health Canada regulatory performance
- Ottawa police accused of undermining crack distribution program
- Thailand: Government issues compulsory licences for HIV/AIDS drugs
- U.S.: Proposed federal legislation to allow condom distribution and HIV testing in prison
- Russian Federation: Governments threaten freedom of association and assembly for LGBT organizations
- Russian Federation: Inhumane conditions in the drug treatment facilities lead to tragedy
- U.K.: New publications on HIV transmission and exposure and the criminal justice system
In brief
- India: Multi-national pharmaceutical company challenges patent law
- U.S.: Proposed easing of restrictions for HIV-positive short-term entry visas
- UNHCR: New strategy for provision of antiretroviral therapy to refugees
- Indonesia: On the road to a harm reduction model?
- Africa: New report on how HIV/AIDS programming is failing LGBT people
- Cameroon: ILO conducts HIV training for labour courts in francophone Africa
- U.S.: All states to move to names-based HIV reporting in 2007
- Federal Court of Appeal examines for first time refugee protection on the basis of inadequate health care
Criminal law and HIV transmission or exposure: new cases and developments
- Judge imposes two-year sentence; says treatment needs likely better met in federal prison
- Fifty-six-month sentence for unprotected sex with two girlfriends
- Ex-professional football player guilty of two counts of aggravated sexual assault
- Court rejects appeal where man disclosed HIV status to police, claimed he didn’t know HIV endangered life
In brief
- Human Rights Tribunal rejects application to dismiss discrimination complaint
- Appeal Court finds assisted contraception regulations do not discriminate against lesbians and gay men
- Federal Court rejects “irreparable harm” argument of HIV-positive failed refugee claimant seeking to stop deportation
- $6 million settlement in medical negligence case
- Mexico: Supreme Court rules discharge of HIV-positive troops unconstitutional
- Europe: Court finds lack of medical assistance in Russian detention facility to be in violation of human rights
- Australia: Coroner recommends prisoners be given access to sterile syringes
Criminal law and HIV/AIDS: four new cases
- Germany: Man sentenced to five and a half years for endangering and infecting several partners
- U.K.: Bournemouth court imposes three-and-a-half year sentence for reckless HIV transmission
- U.K.: Man sentenced to nine years for reckless transmission of HIV and HCV
- Australia: HIV-positive man facing criminal charges fails attempt to have his identity suppressed
In brief
- South Africa: Inmate who refuses ARVs will get hearing about whether he can die at home
- China: Hospital to compensate 19 people infected with HIV through blood transfusions
- India: Supreme Court suspends manufacture of ayurvedic medicine being sold as a “cure” for AIDS