In November 2003, the Legal Network convened a meeting in Montréal of global experts working in the fields of treatments, vaccines, and microbicides.The meeting was historic in that it was the first occasion on which advocates from the three fields had the opportunity to meet and exchange views on policy priorities. In this article, John Godwin provides a summary of the background paper produced for that meeting and of the key outcomes of the meeting.
The article describes the reasons why developing a joint advocacy agenda has emerged as a priority for advocacy organizations from the three fields, despite their differing histories and the fact that they have often been positioned as competitors rather than collaborators.The role of a human rights approach in informing joint advocacy and the relevance of the prevention–care–treatment continuum are considered.
The article then examines possible areas for joint advocacy, including funding, clinical trials, public private partnerships, tax credits, liability issues, equity pricing, bulk procurement, regulatory issues, manufacture, delivery, and national plans. The article concludes by noting upcoming opportunities for joint advocacy efforts, and outlining the next steps to be taken by the Legal Network to support coordinated advocacy.