- Still underground: searching for progress in realizing the human rights of women in prostitution
- Steps forward, backward, and sideways: Canada’s bill on exporting generic pharmaceuticals
- High time to vastly scale up action on human rights
- Ontario: Police disclose HIV status of accused under Police Services Act
- BC: Campaign launched to protect personal health information
- Nova Scotia: “Blood samples” legislation passed
- British Columbia: Studies show positive public impacts of harm-reduction measures for drug users
- Nurse, legal society receive human rights award
- Proposed amendments to medical marijuana regulations released for comment
In brief
- MP calls for review of solicitation laws
- Vancouver: Gay posters banned by billboard company
- Groups distribute harm-reduction kits to crack users
- British Columbia study finds high levels of poverty and disability among HIV positive
- Health Canada approves rapid HIV test for sale in Canada
- HIV/AIDS, law, and discrimination in Guyana
- Policy and environment assessment on illicit drug use and HIV risk in Cambodia
- Southern Africa: Reports document legal responses to HIV/AIDS
- NGO Code of Practice released
- Thai Drug Users Network receives human rights award
- Nigeria addresses HIV/AIDS in the workplace
- New report on the impact of HIV/AIDS on the world of work
- UK: Developments on HIV/AIDS, stigma, and discrimination
- Prison needle exchange programs work
- Is the world finally waking up to HIV/AIDS in prisons? A report from the XV International AIDS Conference
- Canada: Study provides further evidence of risk of hepatitis C and HIV transmission in prisons
- Canadian court orders remand centre to provide prescribed medication and permit consultation with outside physician
- Canadian court denies prisoner access to anti-anxiety medication
- Prisoner denied access to medical marijuana
Other developments
- U.S.: Study links incarceration and HIV rates in black communities
- Canada: Revised guidelines on management of infectious diseases and on bleach distribution issued
- Canada: Prison networking and research & advocacy groups founded
- New resources
- Court orders Immigration and Refugee Board to take into account evidence of HIV-related discrimination
- Appeal board overturns decision denying Zambian admission to Canada
- Severance provisions of old Ontario employment standards legislation infringe Charter equality rights of persons with disabilities
- Criminal charges against marijuana compassion club members stayed
- Federal Court permits contaminated-blood litigation to proceed
- India: Court finds government has constitutional obligation to provide ARVs to released prisoner
- India: Challenge to constitutionality of criminal law banning homosexual acts dismissed
- Libya: Foreign health-care workers sentenced to death for deliberate infection
- UK: Court grants asylum to pregnant claimant, citing European Convention
- UK: House of Lords recognizes that privacy rights include protection of mental health
- Criminal law and HIV transmission or exposure: four new cases
In brief
- Mexico: Discharge of HIV-positive soldiers discriminatory and unconstitutional
- Not as simple as ABC: making real progress on women’s rights and AIDS
- Young women living with HIV/AIDS have rights too: a personal testimonial
- A human rights crisis in need of a human rights response
- Sex workers and law reform in South Africa
- Youth: too often missing from the response
- Double discrimination: drug users living with HIV/AIDS
- Drug control, human rights, and harm reduction in the age of AIDS
- In Thailand, drug users have to fight for their rights
- The spread of harm-reduction programs in Brazil
- Prisoners’ health and human rights in the HIV/AIDS epidemic
- Current issues and concerns in HIV testing: a health and human rights approach
- Sexual minorities, violence, and AIDS in Africa
- Bangkok 2004: Abstracts on legal, ethical, and human rights issues