- Injection drug use, HIV/AIDS and incarceration: evidence from the Vancouver Injection Drug Users Study
- Legal Network report calls for decriminalization of prostitution in Canada
- Report calls for changes to the law to improve safety, security and well-being of sex workers
- Toronto: Report calls for more harm reduction measures for drug users
- Saskatchewan issues substance abuse plan
In brief
- Safe injection facility attracts high-risk injection drug users, study finds
- Crack users welcome City of Ottawa’s kit distribution program
- Rapid HIV test approved for clinical use
- Update on status of needle exchange in federal prisons
- Call for new hepatitis C strategy
- United States: Challenges filed to anti-prostitution pledge requirement
- Methadone and buprenorphine added to the WHO list of essential medicines
- Southern Africa: AIDS-affected children face systemic discrimination in accessing education
- Report documents criminalization of HIV exposure and transmission in Europe
- Botswana: Refugees not entitled to same services as citizens
- Global Fund fundraising drive comes up well short of target
In brief
- India: Military recruits to undergo HIV testing
- Indonesia: Men refusing to wear condom with sex workers are liable to fines
- Southeast Asia: National policy audits on HIV and migration
- California: Senate fails to pass bill to allow condom distribution in state prisons
- California: Insurers cannot deny transplants based on HIV status
- WHO Europe report strongly endorses harm reduction in prisons
- Vancouver shopping mall liable for discrimination against Aboriginal and disabled people
- Court opens door to more claims under Red Cross HIV compensation fund
In brief
- Federal Court of Appeal rules contaminated-blood litigation cannot proceed
- Egale granted intervenor status as party in Canadian blood donor case
- Hong Kong: Court says laws criminalizing sexual activity infringe rights of gay men
- U.S.: Mexican national eligible for asylum on basis of sexual orientation and HIV status
- New Zealand: Sections of city by-law effectively prohibiting small owner-operated brothels struck down
- Australia: HIV-positive Zambian national refused student visa on appeal
- UK: Local authority has no obligation to reveal HIV status of foster parent
- Criminal law and HIV transmission or exposure
In brief
- New Zealand: Man fined for removing condom during sex with sex worker